
Uptown New York City / St Nicholas Ave @ 112th Street
Near  2 and 3 express trains, at
 Central Park North.
Entrance by buzzer in elevator equipped pre war building.
St Nicholas Ave @ 112th St NYC 10026

A Straight Line (400 feet) from the subway exit to the builidng.

Claire’s Kitchen and Cafe, in the same building on the ground floor corner, is a welcoming spot for early arrivals to wait without any purchase necessary.

TRAINS CLOSEBY: (All trains stop at 110th St)

• Red dot >> #2 and #3 EXPRESS trains
Do NOT take the #1 train)!
Subway Exit is 
less than 40 seconds from my bldg.
Exit the absolute rear end of the train, if coming from downtown.
The 3 train often follows close behind the 2 and is always less crowded.

• Blue dot >> the B/C local trains  (Less than 6 min)
• Green dot >> the #6 local train   (than 12 min walking)

My Building @ Yellow Dot, next to # 2/3 train exit

The #1 train separates(!!) from the 2/3 at 96th Street. DO NOT(!) TAKE THE #1 TRAIN beyond 96th Street)